Cyber Threat Intelligence as a Service
We help you identify and manage cyber threats. Our experts provide the support you need to keep your business safe.
About Us
TLP R3D Intelligence is a trusted leader in Cyber Threat Intelligence as a Service, partnering with FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies to help them stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. Founded by Chris Duggan, a seasoned cybersecurity expert with roots in the British Army Intelligence Corps, our firm has grown into a mature and well-established intelligence provider with a global reputation for excellence.
We bring together a team of highly skilled professionals, each with deep expertise in threat detection, intelligence analysis, and cybersecurity strategy. Over the years, we have developed robust intelligence frameworks and cutting-edge detection strategies, tailored to the unique needs of large enterprises across multiple industries. Our proactive, threat-led approach ensures that critical assets are safeguarded against even the most sophisticated attacks.
At TLP R3D Intelligence, we prioritise collaboration, continuous improvement, and effective threat intelligence sharing. Our mission is to be the first line of defence for our clients, guiding them through the complexities of the cyber threat landscape with confidence and precision.
Secure Your Business with TLP R3D Intelligence – CTI as a Service
At TLP R3D Intelligence, we specialise in helping FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies mature their Cyber Threat Intelligence programs. Our mission is simple: to help you identify, understand, and manage cyber threats with precision.
With our expertise, you gain more than just data; you get actionable intelligence tailored to your business needs. We provide comprehensive support to strengthen your defences and safeguard your most valuable assets.
Why Choose TLP R3D Intelligence?
- Expert guidance from industry-leading CTI professionals
- Proactive threat identification and management
- Tailored solutions to fit your organisation's unique cybersecurity challenges
Ready to Take Action?
Enhance your cybersecurity strategy today with a no-obligation consultation. Our experts will help you evaluate your current threat landscape and develop a robust defence strategy to keep your business safe.
Our Services
Uncovering Cyber Threats Service
Our Uncovering Cyber Threats service provides businesses with a comprehensive understanding of the current cyber threat landscape. Our team of experienced security analysts use the latest data and tools to identify, monitor, and analyse threats from malicious actors. Through our deep understanding of the latest techniques and tactics used by cyber criminals, we can identify risks early and provide proactive solutions to protect your organisation.
TLP R3D Intelligence Advanced Malware Analysis
Elevate Your Network Security with C2 Malware Intelligence. Our cutting-edge technology, powered by advanced AI and human analysis, allows you to identify and block malicious attacks. By leveraging actionable intelligence, we empower organisations to respond swiftly and effectively to emerging threats. With TLP R3D Intelligence you can stay one step ahead and enhance the security of your network.
TLP R3D Intelligence Dark Web Monitoring Service
TLP R3D Intelligence delivers advanced dark web intelligence services, utilising expert human analysis and cybersecurity technologies. We proactively monitor for illicit discussions or unauthorised trading of your credentials on the dark web. We provide real-time intelligence, swiftly identifying and analysing potential threats to your organisation. Our comprehensive solutions can be customised to meet the unique needs of any organisation.
TLP R3D Intelligence Reviews
TLP R3D Intelligence is an excellent Cyber Threat Intelligence provider. Their service is second to none and their team is highly knowledgeable. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for reliable CTI service.
- A.Jones
Schedule Your No-Obligation Consultation Today
Are you ready to enhance your organisation's cybersecurity strategy? Take the first step towards Actionable Intelligence by scheduling your no-obligation consultation with TLP R3D Intelligence. Our team of expert cyber threat intelligence professionals are here to assist you in understanding your current threat landscape and help fortifying your defences.
Don't let cyber threats compromise your business. Take advantage of our no-obligation consultation opportunity today to safeguard your valuable assets. Fill out the form below to request your consultation and take a proactive step towards a more secure future.
TLP R3D Intelligence Form
Fill out this form to contact TLP R3D Intelligence Intelligence, a leading provider of cyber threat intelligence services.