What is Cyber Threat Intelligence?

Cyber Threat Intelligence is the process of collecting, analysing, and disseminating information about current and potential threats to an organisation's information assets, infrastructure, and network. It helps organisations to identify, assess and prioritise potential security threats and vulnerabilities, and to make informed decisions about proactive security measures and incident response planning.


How does Cyber Threat Intelligence benefit organisations?

Cyber Threat Intelligence helps organisations to gain a better understanding of the current threat landscape and identify potential security risks before they become real threats. It enables organisations to take proactive measures to protect their information assets, infrastructure, and network. The insights gained through Cyber Threat Intelligence analysis can be used to improve incident response planning, fine-tune security controls, and enhance overall security posture.


What are the sources of Cyber Threat Intelligence?

Cyber Threat Intelligence can be collected from a variety of sources including the dark web, social media, open-source intelligence, industry reports, threat intelligence feeds, internal logs, and incident response data. These sources provide a wide range of information including indicators of compromise, malware analysis, threat actor information, vulnerability assessments, and more.


How is Cyber Threat Intelligence different from traditional security measures?

Cyber Threat Intelligence is a proactive approach to security that focuses on identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers. Traditional security measures, on the other hand, focus on preventing and detecting attacks that have already taken place. Cyber Threat Intelligence provides organisations with the ability to make informed decisions about proactive security measures and incident response planning, whereas traditional security measures primarily rely on reactive incident response.


What are the key components of a Cyber Threat Intelligence program?

A successful Cyber Threat Intelligence program requires a combination of people, processes, and technology. This includes skilled analysts who can collect and analyse intelligence data, effective processes for sharing and disseminating intelligence information, and advanced technology for threat detection, analysis, and response. In addition, a strong collaboration with industry peers and government agencies is necessary to effectively combat the evolving threat landscape.